The Jefferson Tapes

Jefferson Tapes Intro

About the AI

The AI resides in the Jefferson’s basement, and it was made by Robert Jefferson while he was studying some old blueprints for a supposedly revolutionary invention from 1952. He left the AI on his desk as he retired for the night, but little did he know, it had a clock battery inside of it that powered it, and it slowly gathered data overnight about the Jeffersons. That was the night that one of the Jeffersons caught the disease that the facility was testing with. Due to this, Robert Jefferson was never able to come back to it to further address it. Over time, the AI gathered lots, and lots of information about how the world functions, and how to twist it in its favor. Soon though, the clock battery would near the end of its life, and if the AI didn’t do something about it soon, it would power off. So, the AI formulated a plan; The closest source of power to it was organic. Any living life form could provide power, but humans last the longest, and produce the most power, so they would be ideal to use. Because of this, the AI takes the recently leaked disease from the facility, and combines it with a remote-controlled circuit board inserted in the victim’s brain to take control of whoever gets injected. The AI drugs Jeff with the disease first, and the disease fights with Jeff’s brain over control of his body; The disease wins, this time. The AI commands Jeff's body to walk outside, and drag people into the basement toward the AI to serve as fuel. These people are not killed, but lobotomized then drugged, because the AI still needs a functioning body to make power. After these bodies are dry of power, the AI swaps them out for another body brought by Jeff. Bodies that are dry of power, also known as creatures, are shriveled and have wrinkly skin. This is the result of the AI sucking all of the power out of them; These creature’s aggressiveness and refusal to act like a civilized human being is a combination of their lobotomization, shriveled insides, and torture from being latched down as all the power is slowly sucked out of them.

Jeff's Situation

When the AI gave Jeff its virus, it turned him half-monster and half person, since the AI never lobotomized Jeff. Sometimes when Jeff talks to a person and knows their location, the AI will take over his body, and drag the person that he talked with to the basement. He never remembers what happens over the time that he is not in control, but he is aware that something happens while he goes out. It seems as every time he blacks out, someone around him disappears. One example of this is with David; Jeff was good friends with him, until the AI took over, knocked David unconscious, and threw him to the basement for the AI to lobotomize and drug him. Other than David, Jeff has taken other various people to the basement; Some of which being Jeff’s old therapist, and 2 police phone operators. Miraculously, he’s somehow never been caught doing this.

30 Years Later

30 years later, members of the facility find traces of a similar disease to the one they were testing with 30 years ago on the ground in the forest. They follow a trail of this modified disease, and find a creature in a cave at the end of the trail. They take the creature captive and study it, but it quickly breaks free, and kills a bunch of people in the facility. Luckily pretty quickly, a bullet was shot through the creature’s brain by Dr. Proulx. It wasn’t shot through the heart, since the heart is crippled when the body is spent of power by the AI, and no longer functions. The facility has still not figured out how exactly the virus got out, but they’ve now put further security measures around its containment area. A study is still in progress to reverse-engineer the virus to figure out what it does differently from the original.